In 2011 Indiana joined the growing number of states that have banned drivers from text messaging on their cellphones while driving.

Only a small fraction of states — Arizona, Missouri, Montana, Texas — have not banned all texting while driving, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Yet the difference in traffic enforcement between Indiana and those four states may not be as wide as the difference in laws implies.

Law enforcement agencies across the state wrote 2,020 tickets and issued 2,134 warnings for violating Indiana’s texting and driving prohibition from 2011 through 2015, according to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.

Although the numbers have slowly escalated each year, they pale compared to total traffic citations, said Indiana State Police Sgt. Philip Hensley, public information officer for the Jasper District.

“The idea of the law, the spirit of it, is to prevent people from texting and driving. Has it been a deterrent? I don’t know. It at least brings more awareness about it,” he said.  

The idea of the law, the spirit of it, is to prevent people from texting and driving. Has it been a deterrent? I don’t know. It at least brings more awareness about it.


So far this year the Evansville Police Department and Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office combined have written only seven tickets for texting and driving, said Sheriff David Wedding.

However, Wedding noted that at least 98 tickets have been written for other traffic violations typically associated with distracted driving and frequently linked to texting or cellphone use: driving left of center, unsafe lane movement, following too close and improper turning.

That more tickets are written for other infractions possibly linked to cellphones underscores law enforcement's dilemma with the current law.

"We know it's a problem, but it's hard to catch and hard to cite for," Wedding said.

Hensley is even more direct about it.

"As a violation, it is next to impossible to enforce," he said. "I can't take your phone and look to see what you were doing. It is difficult to prove unless the driver admits it." Indiana Code 9-21-8-59 specifically bans a person operating a moving motor vehicle from using "a telecommunications device" to: "type a text message or an electronic mail message; transmit a text message or an electronic mail message; or read a text message or an electronic mail message." The only exceptions are if is used in conjunction with hands free or voiceoperated technology, or unless it is used to call 911 "to report a bona fide emergency."

However, it also restricts police from confiscating cellphones and looking at them to see if the driver had been using
it. In addition, police cannot use the law as reason for confiscating a phone and keeping it as evidence, or from extracting or downloading information from the phone.

The officer would have to believe the phone was used in committing a crime or have a valid search warrant, according to the law.

Wedding said the law does not take into account the many other reasons a driver might be using - and be distracted by - their cellphones, such as following a map, looking for directions, social media or even reading.

An easier law to enforce, Hensley said, would be a total ban on hand-held cellphone use while driving.

"That would be easier to enforce," he said. "Using your cellphone is a huge distraction. Your focus should be on what is around you. Would it make a difference? Absolutely it would." Hensley noted that with Bluetooth wireless technology for phones, it's no longer necessary for drivers to hold their cellphones while talking.

Indiana is among the 37 states that restrict novice drivers from using cellphones. However, only 14 states have instituted total bans on using hand-held cellphones while driving, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The District of Columbia also bans using hand-held cellphones for all drivers, including new drivers, and using them to text.

Wedding said it is important for adults to set an example for younger drivers by not using their cellphones while driving, and to talk about it with them.

"People are addicted to these devices. We are just in a situation where I don't know what else to do," Wedding said.

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