Persistence finds an Indiana lawmaker and fellow Republicans trying again this year to require that welfare recipients be tested for drug use before receiving public assistance. Rep. Jud McMillin, R-Brookville, made a similar proposal in the last session, but eventually withdrew it over a proposed amendment from Democratic House member Ryan Dvorak of South Bend that lawmakers also pass drug tests before getting paid.

But now, this session, McMillin has proposed again that welfare recipients be tested. But according to the Associated Press, one of the key differences with the new bill is that individuals failing the drug test could still receive assistance if that seek treatment and pass further tests.

But as we said, it didn’t pass last year’s session, and fails again to resolve some serious issues. For that reason, for concerns about the cost, about the availability of treatment, and about the fate of children whose parents fail a drug test, it should not be passed this year, either.

If this sounds familiar to Southern Indiana residents, it may be because the Black Township trustee in Posey County this year has placed a similar drug requirement on people seeking emergency assistance from the township. But that is just one rural township that would touch relatively few low-income residents. Some critics have expressed concerns about the cost to that township, but with McMillian’s bill, that could eventually take the requirement statewide, surely at a prohibitive cost for state government. In the past, McMillin has presented his proposal as a pilot program to begin in limited counties.

McMillian’s bill was approved by the House Family and Children Committee on Tuesday, 9-4 with Republicans voting for and Democrats against.

Acccording to the AP, McMillin claims that his bill is aimed at helping welfare recipients with drug abuse problems. He said the results of the test could not be used in criminal investigations, but child authorities could be notified. He said it is not a “gotcha bill” but tell that to the children that could end up without assistance.

Critics of the bill have questioned whether there are enough effective drug treatment programs -- the key word being “effective” -- to serve all of the drug users who may fail the test. The AP news report said that effective detoxification programs can run long-term as high as $10,000, while free programs can be less than effective.

That is according to Mark Fairchild, executive director of the National Association of Social Workers’ Indiana Chapter.

“Simply giving them a list of options that are available will not work”, Fairchild told the AP. “Those high intensity options that are needed are in very short supply across Indiana -- private pay, Medicaid or otherwise. Simply getting admitted into those can take well in excess of 30 days. Also, it was estimated that it would cost $1 million for start-up costs.

Of course, if these concerns aren’t enough to slow the bill, then someone could suggest again this year that lawmakers be tested, too.

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