Indiana education's hierarchy continues to wade through the muck.

A Marion County judge on Tuesday ruled that a lawsuit against members of the Indiana State Board of Education alleging public access violations can proceed.

The issue is whether state school board members broke Indiana open meetings laws by circulating a letter seeking changes in who can figure the state A-F school grades.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz, no friend of the state board which she chairs, filed a similar suit last year against the board, but it was dismissed on the grounds she could not sue without the agreement of the Indiana Attorney General. However, Democratic lawyer Bill Groth filed the suit on behalf of four residents, and so it goes.

The suit is based on what seems to be a legitimate concern. In fact, the state's public access counselor said that while board members may not have technically violated the letter of the law, it may have violated the spirit of the law.

And so, we expect, the arguing will go on, in court and out. As Indiana should be getting its educational standing in order, and hopefully, once again, acquire its No Child Left Behind waiver, it looks as if the arguing will take us right up to the 2016 election, to the harm of Indiana education.

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