Angela DuBois' descent into homelessness started with a 2021 rear-end collision that left her with whiplash, a concussion, back injuries and chronic pain. The driver who ran into her brother's Kia, which she had borrowed for work, sped away.

DuBois, 55, was a home healthcare aide, a job she could no longer do after the crash. She had debilitating back pain, no car and was denied Social Security disability compensation.

It wasn't long before she could no longer afford the $550 rent for her apartment in Greencastle. She rented a storage unit for her belongings and moved out.

Just like that, DuBois was homeless. It's something she never expected.

Across the United States, 38% of people experiencing homelessness are women.

To read full text, go here.

H-T reporter Boris Ladvig contributed to this story.

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