Leeds Tower of the old Reid Hospital building, Friday, April 22, 2016 in Richmond. Staff photo by Joshua Smith
Leeds Tower of the old Reid Hospital building, Friday, April 22, 2016 in Richmond. Staff photo by Joshua Smith

The deteriorated hulk that once was the Reid Hospital campus elicits emotional responses.

Nostalgia for the memories, both joyful and sorrowful, contained within the unsafe corridors.

Sadness for the transformation from an important piece of local history to a useless eyesore.

Anger at the absentee owners who squeezed what they could out of the property and stuck us with its problems.

And fear that the dangers lurking across the grounds and inside the buildings will one day lead to tragedy.

"I am literally losing sleep over the possibility for loss of life in that building," Richmond Mayor Dave Snow said.

Time, weather and vandalism turned a vibrant, functioning hospital campus into a hulking mess in the eight years since Reid Health moved to its new location a little farther north off Chester Boulevard. Little glass remains in windows. Water damage weakens interior floors. Graffiti covers much of the buildings. Fires scarred the interior and burned almost everything that's flammable. Large pits sit uncovered on the grounds. Contaminants, including asbestos, fill the air.

And yet, the building draws people to it. Some search for ghosts and spirits. Others find a spot for more graffiti. Memories pull some to the place they were born. Curiosity gets the better of others.

Doug Philbeck recently used his drone to record aerial video of the campus and buildings. The video shows two people on a roof, and he said he encountered seven people overall just checking out the building and grounds.

"I can't stress hard enough for people to not consider that a place to explore," Snow said. "It's not a place for thrill-seeking and sightseeing."

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