The latest U.S. Census Bureau population estimates for Elkhart County confirm established trends – Latinos are the main source of growth here.

As of July 1, 2015, Hispanics accounted for 31,087 of the county's 203,474 inhabitants, or 15.3 percent of the total, according to Census Bureau estimates released Thursday breaking down population by race and ethnicity. That's up from 30,408 in 2014, 15.1 percent of the county's population, and 27,886 in 2010, 14.1 percent.

Here's more:

— Non-Hispanic whites are the largest single population group in Elkhart County, 153,724 of the total head count as of 2015, or 75.5 percent of the total. That's up from 153,154 in 2014 and 152,846 in 2010, but the subgroup's share of the overall population is down, from 77.4 percent in 2010.

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