What path to choose for the proposed Illiana Expressway?

There’s the B3 route preferred by the Illiana Corridor Study Committee. It goes to the north of Lowell, and would impact the most homes. Another route, A3S2, is the same as B3 in Indiana, but different on the Illinois side.

Another option is the B4, which goes south of the town, but is considered the least viable by planners. Fewer homes would be affected, though, so some in Lowell to prefer this route.

But there are negatives to both. The northern B3 bisects the equalization basin, a storm water retention area, between Cedar Lake and Lowell. The southern B4 crosses the town’s water tower and well fields.

There is one other option on the table: the no-build. For some residents of Lowell and south Lake County, not building an Illiana Expressway anywhere would be preferable.

But not doing anything isn’t going to help traffic woes, unfortunately. The population in the south Chicago suburbs of Illinois and south Lake County will continue to grow, and so will the traffic. Somehow, relief must be found.

We can think of two options. One, find a way to repair and enhance current roads. Yes that will cost the state money, unlike the Illiana, which hopes to get private funding sources. Even so, public roads must be maintained and upgraded.

A second option is to realize the Illiana won’t be viable unless it intersects Interstate 80/94; without that, the road doesn’t really go anyplace, just around some areas. Perhaps it’s time to start this conversation over — again.

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